Where are you leaking strength?
Let’s create a water tight, seafaring machine.

Real training includes finding every weakness and addressing it. Achieving balanced surf strength will protect the vital structures of the musculoskeletal system and boost performance. There will be many moments of encouragement, but rest assured these training programs are designed to focus on the compensations of the surfer. This is where trust is paramount. The vast majority of these movements will have you asking the simple question, “Why?”. It is likely that you’re already efficient with the obvious surf movements that you are eager to mimic during training. They will be addressed and improved, but elite training should deliver all the movements you’re not currently doing to complete a functional skill set. This is WHY surfers aren’t special, the same as any other athlete. Where are you leaking? Invest in training that fixes the problem. Precise training is hard and it damn well should be. Load up and accept it.

  • Stoke-Ed

    Educate yourself on the functional movements that balance a surf skill set. The tutorials and pre/post surf programs create a rhythmic surf experience designed to keep you fresh. An ocean of knowledge starts one wave at a time 🤙🏽

  • Anchor

    If you’re leveling up to heavier conditions, you better be ready to take some punishment. Bodyweight exercises without equipment, especially without the ability to load pulling movements will guarantee a low floor of fitness. We need to reach the ceiling. The Anchor program is a surf strength rebuild focused for a tough yet mobile body.

  • The Pop Shop

    3 workouts to help you transform your pop up! A progression of fast twitch movements for the chest, trunk, and hips to help you coil up in a hot second. Simple layout, very nuanced execution.

Precise training is hard and it damn well should be.
Load up and accept it.